Thursday, March 11, 2010


This was my first year attending WPPI (Wedding and Portrait Photographers International). I had no idea what to expect or what I would get out of the conference...I am so glad I was AMAZING! I walked away feeling INSPIRED and BLESSED to be a photographer :)

I met photographers from all over the world and was able to attend classes taught by these amazing photographers: Jesh de Rox , Susan Stripling , Jasmine Starr ,Gregory Heisler ,Audrey Wouldard and Jim Garner

Jen, Stephanie, me and Von at the [b] school party with Becker.

The fabulous Susan Stripling

Ran into this guy everywhere.

Our last night in Vegas, Von, Stephanie, Clary and I had dinner and stayed up way too late!

All images from this blog post were taken with my Canon Powershot 990IS . I will definetly be attending WPPI again :)

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