Monday, January 19, 2009

Amy & David : Married

Amy and David are married! They had a beautiful candle lit wedding at the Concord Trinity United Methodist church and a lovely reception at Orlando Gardens. Amy and David are so sweet together. When I first met them at their engagement session, I knew that these two were going to be so much fun on their wedding day. They were always smiling and snuggling, they are simply perfect together!

David and Amy, thank you for letting me share your wedding day with you! You two are perfect together, I was blessed to be a part of your day.

Special thanks to Jen Henneberry from Catch Light Park for sharing her talent! Jimmy Hussey kept the party going, the dance floor was full the entire night!

1 comment:

Tony and Kristen Mueller said...

Loving the reception dancing picture! Great wedding! Hope you are doing well!

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