Tuesday, March 4, 2008

It's another Snow Day!

Wow, the weather in Saint Louis is crazy! This past weekend, it was 70 degrees, warm and sunny and today the complete opposite! It has been snowing since this morning and it is about 20 degrees outside. My kiddos were excited and could not wait to get out in the snow and my husband thought it would be fun to drive to drive in it (if you know him, this would not surprise you). Here are a few from our "Snow Day".


Unknown said...

That's crazy!

Dennis Bullock said...

I was amazing wasnt it Kelly. Now it will be 50 again Sunday

Stacy Cross said...

Oh my gosh, I can't even imagine what it's like! I wore a short-sleeved, paper-thin blouse to our wedding last night! :)


i gotta say not jealous of your snow, but love the images you get with it!

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